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Fall Power Seeding

If your lawn shows damage from drought, pests, disease, or just wear and tear then power seeding may be the answer for you. Our lawn care technicians possess extensive knowledge of grass and seed types and can help you find the perfect combination that will bring your lawn back to life.

What is Power Seeding?

Power seeding is a fast and efficient way to restore thin or damaged lawns without having to dig up the lawn and lay down new sod. It works by using a precise machine to inject seeds directly into the ground so they can quickly take root.

Traditional Seeding: With traditional hand seeding, you throw seeds on the surface of the ground where it can easily blow away. You can put down a layer of straw to hold them and keep them hydrated but eventually, that straw is going to blow all around your lawn and it doesn’t stop hungry birds from feeding on them.

Sod: Laying sod is hard work. It’s heavy, it’s dirty, and it’s very, very time-consuming. Because sod is already fully developed grass it needs a lot of care and attention in order to establish itself. Even then, if they aren’t properly placed you could see unsightly seams and gaps and there’s no guarantee all of the pieces will pull through. With power seeding, you can re-establish your lawn without digging up the existing turf in a fraction of the time with a 90% success rate. Power seeding is best done in the fall when your lawn is looking thin, stressed, and patchy. By the time next spring arrives, you will be blessed with thick, healthy grass that will last you for many years.


sod installation

Fall Aeration

Over time your lawn can start to look a little tired and weary from all the mowing and foot traffic. Thatch from lawn clippings and leaf matter build up under the grass and get packed down. This barrier prevents water, fertilizer, and air from getting down to the roots of your grass. As your grass struggles to get water and oxygen it will become stressed, turn brown, and eventually die, leaving brown spots in your lawn.

An aerated lawn will loosen the soil up by pulling hundreds of small plugs out of your lawn to allow water and oxygen deep into the roots allowing them to strengthen and flourish.

How Do You Know If Your Lawn Needs To Be Aerated?

If you are wondering whether your lawn could stand to be aerated ask yourself these questions.

Do puddles form in your lawn after it rains?

A combination of thatch and compacted soil can prevent water from being absorbed into the ground. When that happens you will see standing pools of water appear in your lawn that could turn into a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Does your turf feel squishy?

Does your grass have a little give or bounce to it? It’s probably thatch buildup. Inspect your grass to see if there is excess thatch buildup under your grass. Thick layers of thatch not only prevent water absorption but can also attract disease-carrying pests or breed mold.

Is your soil hard and dry?

Take a screwdriver and stick it into your turf. Did it go through easily or was it like trying to stab a brick wall? If the soil is hard and the screwdriver is dry it’s a telltale sign that your lawn needs to be aerated.

lawn inspection

With a combination of aeration and power seeding, your lawn will be the talk of the town. 

Call Leisure Time Lawn Care for more information.

Leisure Time Lawn Care, Inc.
P.O Box 687, Shepherdsville, Kentucky 40165

©2019 Leisure Time Lawn Care, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

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